Paul H. Beaumont


CV and Bio

Welcome to my website! I am an Assistant Professor of Finance at McGill University (Desautels Faculty of Management).

Research interests: Corporate Finance, Entrepreneurship, Labor and Finance, FinTech.

My CV is available here: CV.




Build or Buy? Human Capital and Corporate Diversification

with Camille Hebert (University of Toronto) and Victor Lyonnet (Michigan Ross)

Review of Financial Studies, conditionally accepted

Abstract (click to expand)

Press coverage: Rotman Insights Hub


Working Papers

Customer Capital in Times of Crisis

with Clémence Lenoir (DG Trésor) - (May 2024)

Abstract (click to expand)

Selected presentations: GEP/CEPR, EFA, FIRS, NFA (Best Ph.D. Paper), SFS Cavalcade.

Press coverage: VoxFi


Collateral Effects: The Role of FinTech in Small Business Lending

with Huan Tang (LSE) and Eric Vansteenberghe (PSE) - (July 2023)

R&R Review of Financial Studies (1st round)

Abstract (click to expand)

Selected presentations: Junior WEFI, ENTFIN, WFA ECWFC, Annual IMF Macro-Finance Research Conference, Rome Junior Finance Conference, EFA, AFA.

Press coverage: Delve (podcast), Knowledge at Wharton


Relationship Finance in Bond Markets? Evidence from Corporate Call Policy

with David Schumacher (McGill) and Gregory Weitzner (McGill) - (November 2023)

Abstract (click to expand)

Press coverage: FinReg blog

Selected presentations: U Dauphine, Banque de France, U Laval, U York, Rome Junior Finance Conference, Aarhus Workshop, NFA.


Contract Completeness of Company Bylaws and Entrepreneurial Success

with Johan Hombert (HEC Paris) and Adrien Matray (Stanford GSB) - (November 2023)

Abstract (click to expand)

Draft available upon request.

Selected presentations: ASU Sonoran, WEFI, UIC Conference, WFA, EFA, NFA.


Permanent Working Papers

Granular Borrowers

with Thibault Libert (ACPR/PSE) and Christophe Hurlin (Université d'Orléans).

Abstract (click to expand)


Other Writings

Prime à l'embauche dans les PME : évaluation à partir des déclarations d'embauche

with Antoine Luciani

Document de travail DESE, 2018


Prime à l’embauche dans les petites et moyennes entreprises : une première évaluation à partir des déclarations d’embauche

with Antoine Luciani and Ihssane Slimani Houti

Insee Analyses, 2016

Press coverage: Le Monde, Les Echos


Le financement de l’exportation pour les PME : se mettre à flot pour passer le cap ?

Insee Références, 2016


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